The counseling cell is formulated with the intension to provide emotional support to needy students and staff to manage their lives successfully. Today’s world is highly competitive; students of this age are experiencing social, personal and academic problems in their day to day life. The growing pressure to excel everywhere may leads to emotional or psychological uncertainty; thus it disturbs one’s peace of mind. Here is the requirement of a counselor, you can confide in.

A state level committee of counseling and guidance cell is proposed in the following structure by SPFU meeting held on 20/07/2012 with the pattern given bellow.

1 Dr. P Letha Raj, Associate professor in chemistry Dept. GEC Thrissur, (former principal Maharajas college,currently working as Director for student welfare and social projects, Vidya academy Thrissur) as chair person.
2 Prof. Meera Kumari, Professor PTDC, CET.
3 Smt.Bonia achama mani, Lecturer in communication skills, GEC idukki.
4 Smt. Bindu R Nair, LOC DTE (convener).