The College has identified entrepreneurship development as the need of the hour and to cope up with new policy of government in the context of growing opportunities for enterprise in India. Developing entrepreneurial traits in students is one of the graduate attributes. We established a new unit of Entrepreneurship Development Cell (IEDC) under during last year and conducted four programs under that.

Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) has got affiliation and funding from Kerala Start Up Mission(KSUM) recently, it is functioning with the support from District Industries Center( a unit of Directorate of Industries and Commerce, Govt. of Kerala). The IEDC is dedicated in conducting Entrepreneurship Awareness programs and boot camps.

Young and successful entrepreneurs like Ms.Deena Venugopal, (CEO of the Marketing Company, Anabytes), Amarnath Sankar( CEO CAT systems, Best Startup award winner ) are recent visitors to the campus for EDC programs.