MCA Fee for 2024-25

Sl No Particulars First Instalment
(at the time of admission)
Second Instalment For Reservation
1 Admission Fee 500 500
2 Establishment Fee (Yearly) 2000
3 Special Fee(Lab & Lib) (Yearly) 2700 2700
4 Students Activity Fund (Yearly) 1000
5 Caution Deposit 5000 5000
6 Tuition Fee (Semester) 20000 20000 0
7 University Fee(KTU Afiliation 1000 & Recog.
1500 Fees,Sports Fee 530)
3080 3080
8 Co-operative Society (One time) 60 60
9 Students Insurance (One time) 150 150
10 PTA Fund (One time) 6000 3000
11 Career Guidance and Training 1000 1000
12 CMS(One time) 500 500
13 CAPE Tech Fest(Yearly) 500 500
42490 22700 13790