In order to promote a research culture, CEV has instituted several support systems for conducting research oriented projects, publishing their output in terms of publications, proposal for external funding, application for patents with the help of Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme (TEQIP) funding. Commendable weightage is given to research output while identifying the best students. Dr. R Sridharan, Professor, NIT Calicut as Senior Research Advisor (SRA) promotes and support, Research and Development (R&D) Cell. During last three years, twenty projects are done with help of seed money. The Institute has spent about twenty lakhs rupees in the last three years as seed money for various projects. A group of faculty from NIT along with senior research advisor assess the progress of the project periodically. The institution’s collaboration with other national and international universities and institutions are aimed at the promotion of joint research. One of the seed money project is selected for an external funding of fifteen lakhs from DST which is also collaborated with National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut.  To promote the research ambience, we are associating with various research organizations like Centre for Engineering Research and Development (CERD) Kerala, Kerala State Science and Technology Centre (KSSTC), AICTE and by granting seed money from TEQIP II under the Research and development (R & D) cell.  

In-house project exhibitions are arranged yearly and best project award is given in three streams viz. software projects, embedded projects, and civil projects. The students are financially assisted for their participation in national and international project expos, technical events for various technical fests etc. CEV students secured second prize in the “Tecathalon” competition conducted by ICT academy state-wide and won a cash price of fifty thousand rupees. Students project named “Zero Emission Hybrid Electric Car” is selected in a national level competition. The institute has a well-defined consultancy policy,  provides technical consultancy and design services to industries, institutions and the general public. CE department is engaging number of consultancy works in construction materials testing, water analysis etc. 


Name Position
Dr. R. Sreedhar(N.I.T Calicut) Senior Research Advisor
Dr. Smitha C. K. Convenor
Mrs. Shibili.T Member
Mrs. Sithara E. P. Member
Mr. Roshith K. Member